Tryon Resolves Chapter, NSDAR
Cherryville, North Carolina

Welcome to the Tryon Resolves Chapter
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

Cherryville is a small town in northwestern Gaston County, North Carolina, located around 30 miles west of Charlotte. Named for its cherry trees, Cherryville's pride is on display each year on the third weekend in April as the city celebrates its annual Cherry Blossom Festival.
Over the years, the economy of Cherryville has grown from agriculture to textiles and later, to housing the headquarters of the nation's tenth-largest trucking company.
Cherryville was also chosen to participate in the North Carolina Main Street Program, a nationwide initiative under the auspices of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The Cherryville Main Street Program, which has become a model for others in the state, is dedicated to the revitalization of Cherryville's historic downtown area.
Cherryville is a-blaze with color at cherry blossom time.
The Tryon Resolves Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) is located in Cherryville, North Carolina.
Chartered in 1985, we are a group of women dedicated to historic preservation, education, and patriotism. While we do not live in the past, we are fascinated by it, and we would love to share this fascination with you.
At our meetings, we host local speakers who present programs that are informative and often entertaining. They cover subjects as varied as flag etiquette, patriotism, colonial life, historic preservation, American Revolutionary War battles, historic personages, and much more.
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A Tradition of Service
The Tryon Resolves Chapter, NSDAR, offers fellowship and enlightened discussions with like-minded women.
As you can see, service opportunities are varied and, with your help, we can do even more.
We would love for you to attend one of our meetings. We think you will like what you experience.