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2019-2022 Chapter Officers

Tryon Resolves NSDAR 2019-2022 officers
Tryon Resolves DAR officers

State Historian Elizabeth Snuggs McAteer installs officers.

Tryon Resolves Regent Dianne Cable at the DAR Founders Memorial


Tryon Resolves Chapter, NSDAR, Regent Dianne Cable visits the DAR Founders Memorial located outside DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.

Tryon Resolves NSDSR Regent Dianne Cable



Regent Dianne Hallman Cable

State Historian Elizabeth Snuggs McAteer (far right) is pictured here with the 2019-2022 officers of the Tryon Resolves Chapter, NSDAR. From left to right are the following: Regent Dianne Hallman Cable, Vice-Regent Nell Self Griggs, Chaplain Linda Kale Barger, Recording Secretary and Yearbook Chairman Jerry Spangler Thornburg, Treasurer Debra Gaskins Beam, Registrar Linda Moss Ballard, Historian Jeanne Plonk Beam, and Librarian/Communicator Sadie Ratchford Hoover. Corresponding Secretary Rita McGinnis Beam is not pictured.

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